設計團隊:Inspiration Group
Design Date:2014
Following the 2013 Design Week subjected “ON-OFF”, we extend the thought of the three design basis: Publicity, Openness & Interestingness. We deliver the design responsibility by focusing on the human’s heart, body, mind, living places, living society and the world.
Through observing the dialectical motion between the facts and essences people experienced in their life, we give the essence more imaginary implication through the fact and by design. We are trying to explore the phenomenal and physical transparency through building the spatial dimension contradiction.
The designing thoughts are starting from “man is the measure of all things”. We are exploring the relativity of the judgment standard caused by different bodies. The existence of the phenomenon, which could be generated different objects because of different bodies. Therefore, we need eliminate the false and retain the truth by design.
White, grey and transparent color soft membrane closed space will be adopted for the whole pavilion. Fuzzy image would be produced by the means of coated glass reflecting the essence. Through the composite mode the participants who are walking around the pavilion will experience an unlimited view of fact, and will be stimulated more imaginations which make the space full of interest.
2016 德國 Iconic Award 設計大獎
2016 iF設計獎
2015 日本優良設計大獎
2015 Best Of Year Award
2015 SBID英國國際設計協會年度評選
2015 APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎
2015 DFA亞洲最具影響力設計獎
2015 透視設計大獎
2015 CIID中国室内设计大奖赛
2015 金堂獎
2015 成功设计奖
2016 Iconic Award
2016 IF Design Award
2015 Good Design Award
2015 Best Of Year Award
2015 SBID International Design Awards
2015 Asia Pacific Interior Design Award
2015 Design For Asia Awards
2015 A&D Trophy Awards
2015 CIID China Interior Design Award
2015 Jingtang Prize
2015 Succesfull design award